Friday 25 November 2016

Simon Hall Visit

Today our normal media studies lesson was interrupted by BBC news correspondent Simon Hall (pictured left). Simon had began working for the BBC aged 23 and said the job was like no other, he experiences history being made on a daily basis. He sounded passionate about his profession despite many years of it which made me consider a career in the media. While I had hoped he would talk about the media and it's influences, he focused mainly on careers and choosing the right one for you. The talk was inspirational to say the least, it made me think about what i want to do in the future and whether or not i would enjoy doing the same job for 50 years of my life. Toward the end of his talk i asked him how large he felt the media's influence on us all is, to which he replied saying, it has the potential to control our lives however the BBC in particular are very careful about how they control and distribute media. This answer made me conscious about how even my student film will have an influence on the population who watch it. The use of mise-en-scene, lighting, camera movement and angles, sound and editing can all work together in a film to change the viewers perceptions of a character/subject.

The link to Simon's twitter is as follows -

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