Friday 17 February 2017

The Power Of Sound

Sound in film sets the mood/atmosphere, creates realism and believability and also puts meaning behind footage in terms of dialogue. Sound is often taken for granted in film however without it, you would notice. Silent films were once popular, however they would struggle to keep up with today's films with sound.

sound can be edited to film or recorded alongside the film at the same time. It is now uncommon for sound to be recorded (besides dialogue) alongside the film. therefore, many websites have sprung up offering royalty free music and sound effects that are copyright free and therefore safe to edit into a film.

Sound will often change with genre, for example horror films will often hold back on sound to create tension before using loud and unpleasant sounds to incite a reaction from the audience. This is perhaps seen best in paranormal activity.

Rhythm is often used in films in music such as Jaws, but also in dialogue. This is best shown in 'any given Sunday' when Al Pacino's character gives a speech, pausing after every 3 words/sentence. this creates dramatic affect and makes the audience more inclined to listen to him.

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