Thursday 23 February 2017

Audience Feedback / Mid Project Review

As our film starts to take shape, it is important for us to obtain audience feedback. We did this by finding people similar to our Audience profile and showing them what footage we have so far and asking for their feedback. We asked for some things they liked as well as improvements they thought we should make. All feedback I am sharing is confidential.

- The sound effects when the pigs are shown, this was said to create an enigma as well as dramatic effect. This scene caused our audience to cuss profanities in shock, this shows how powerful our film is in provoking a response.
- Leading lines were used to good effect, drawing the viewers eyes onto the focus of each shot.
- The high angle shots used create effect, making the female actress seem vulnerable, as if she's being watched.

- A lot of the feedback was in relation to our titles and lack of them. The effects in which the title come on screen also needs work.
- While we haven't completed our film, two of the audience commented on the camera sound being heard in the film. This reduces believability and needs taking out of our final piece.
- Because of the timing of our filming, many of the clips seem grainy and out of focus. This gives the film an unprofessional look. However the only solution to the problem is refilming what have done so far at a more suitable time of day when there is a lot more natural light.
- Our actors and their characters lack any introduction or shots establishing who they are/what they're like. To change this, shots and props will be used highlighting key areas of their personalities.

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