Friday 4 November 2016

Preliminary Task - Final

Above is mine and Amy Chapman's finished preliminary task. I think it wasn't the best film we could've produced, we could've done with a lot more research and planning to be able to film it all smoothly instead of taking shots that now appear rushed. The shots are blurry as a result of my own poor camera work where i had accidentally used manual focus instead of automatic without realising. I also think the audio levels are poor, in some shots you can barely hear what the characters are saying. We did take out a microphone to help record audio however we didn't record any as we forgot to put batteries in it. We did write up a storyboard with details of shots to be used and we did stick to it, however some shots on the storyboard were not possible to capture. For example we originally wanted a birds eye view of the table the characters were sat on however it was physically impossible to film this shot without a drone of sorts. Another point i think let us down was the acting, using friends to act proved difficult as their attention was elsewhere. It was difficult to get them to portray emotion also, Alex Flinders was very wooden and stiff, we had to film the torture sequence 3 or 4 times as he wouldn't scream in pain.

The point of this exercise was to identify any weaknesses and doubt we had about filming. I will take all of these factors into account for my next task in order to make it much better. The key point for my next task i believe is careful planning so we know exactly what to do when we come to film it. After doing some further editing, our finished task is below.

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