Monday 24 April 2017

Representations in film

Most films represent certain social groups throughout. These representations can either be good such as the representation of black women in Spike Lee's 2015 film Chi-Raq or bad such as the representation of prisoners in Frank Darabont's 1994 film The Shawshank Redemption. Counter stereotypes are common in films like this, in The Shawshank Redemption, the protagonist (also a prisoner) is a good representation of a prisoner and a counter stereotype of what we think prisoners to be.

While it would be difficult for my film to represent any social groups because of the length of it and the fact that there is only two characters, it is important for me to keep in mind how representations work and how they give the audience an idea of what to expect from the social group in question.

Risk assessment

Before I start filming my product, It is important to do a risk assessment to highlight any potential risks to my health. Below is a list of risks and how I will try to combat them.

  1. Rain damage - I will bring out umbrellas and a tarpaulin to protect expensive camera equipment from rain damage.
  2. Road awareness - I will make observations before crossing roads as some of the clips are on roads.
  3. Robbery - The camera equipment is expensive and therefore a target for thieves, to counter this I will carry a gun.. I joke, I will hide it when its not in use.
  4. Slipping up - If the ground is wet I could slip up and get injured. I will wear grippy shoes and be careful with my balance to counter this.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Information about our film

Sound workshop (Tom Joyce)

In our media studies lesson on Tuesday the 14th of January, Tom Joyce gave a workshop on sound editing and capture. He emphasized the importance of sound in creating the right atmosphere for the accompanying picture. Having been through the same course as us a year prior, I took his advice on board. Below are the the tools required to record sound cheaply yet effectively.

Left - Handheld digital recorder

Right - Long microphone

Tom explained that the easiest way to sync up audio to picture was the clap after 3 seconds and click both the record button on the camera and the microphone. This way, putting the audio and film together in the editing suite can be done with ease.

Tom also suggested adding in sound effects after the filming, this can be done using everyday items and a microphone and digital recorder. Below is a professional example of sound effects being created.

2. How does your media product represent certain social groups?

How does your media product represent certain social groups?

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Codes and conventions of a short film

In order for me to make my film, it is important for me to fully understand what a short film consists of. As the length of the film is considerably less than a full length film, There are far fewer characters (usually around 2 or 3). This is because there is often not enough time for the introduction of more than a few characters with a background. A good short film will include an enigma for the audience to ponder over, this holds their attention until the enigma is solved. The length of the films are between 2 and 10 minutes and therefore require a far smaller budget than feature length films, short film directors and producers are also usually independent and lack the funding of large conglomerate production companies. The narrative of short films is often relatable, taking an everyday situation as a base. This is because it's not worth creating an expensive set and having a complex plot as the audience only have around 10 minutes to comprehend it all.